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Simple Mailbox Dropped Flyers Deliver Results

  • Southport Printing Co
  • 30 Aug 2020
mailbox drop

Dropping flyers into customers mailboxes has been a traditional marketing strategy for many years. Simply put, this strategy works!

We all know that marketing works, yet when the going gets tough, it is often the marketing budget that is first sacrificed. So, how much should we value our marketing? Let’s consider the success of Coochie HydroGreen as examined by Ian McLeod, who has been there from the very beginning.

Coochie HydroGreen Flyers Case Study

Coochie HydroGreen evolved from one lawn care customer back in 1996 into a very successful business with over 15,000 customers Australia wide. A large part of Coochie HydroGreen’s success has been through traditional marketing means, particularly advertising in the form of flyers, fridge magnets and brochures. Ian McLeod, one of Coochie HydroGreen’s most respected franchise owners says ‘The key to the success of our marketing has been that we are able to use the traditional marketing methods to attract new customers to the business by advertising directly to their home via their mailbox and keeping the message very simple.’

When COVID-19 Struck

When uncertain times fell upon Coochie HydroGreen, not only did they continue with their proven means of marketing, they produced and distributed more marketing items to a greater number of potential customers than ever before. This saw the Coochie HydroGreen business soar and some franchises put on up to eight additional employees to carry out the increase in workload.

‘We have been partnered with Southport Printing Co. for a number of years now. Their level of service, in house design, cooperation, and participation in knowing our business is outstanding and without a company such as this, it would be hard to stay consistent and hit our targets the way we operate. Thank you, Southport Printing  Co. for your loyal support as we continue to grow and expand across the country and as we build a professional and loyal relationship together.’
-Ian McLeod

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