At Southport Printing Co., we care about the world that we live in and place a strong emphasis on providing high quality print work with minimum impact on the environment.
We Use Only FSC Certified Paper
FSC certified paper is paper that has been harvested in a responsible manner. FSC is an acronym for the Forest Stewardship Council, which is an independent, not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation that works to promote the environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.
The Paper Industry Cares About the Environment and Plants More Than it Harvests
Here is an interesting fact:
The paper industry plants more than it harvests and, today, there are 25% more trees in the developed world than there was in 1900.
Paper is biodegradable, renewable and sustainable. Growing and harvesting trees provides jobs while forestry plantations provide clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat and carbon storage.
A decline in the demand for paper products risks a decline in sustainably managed re-growth forests. Use print, it is tangible, it is effective in getting your message across and when recycled it will come back to us as paper or board.
Contact us today to discuss any print requirements that you have.
We Place High Importance on the Community and Support It with Various Initiatives Throughout the Year
Let Us Take Your Print Projects off Your Hands with Our One-Stop Solution
Get in Touch
65 Johnston Street,
Southport QLD 4215
Sales consultations are by appointment only. To make an appointment, please phone or email us.