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Versioning Printing; a Cost Effective Way to Print Variations of the One Job

  • Southport Printing Co
  • 02 Aug 2020
Versioning printing by Southport Printing Co., offering a cost-effective solution to create customized print variations for your unique needs.

We recently spoke to our clients about variable data and personalised mail outs, the response was amazing! It is great to see that a number of you are now connecting with your databases with personalised communications.

In today’s blog, we would like to share with you the concept of versioning printing, which is a cost-effective way to print variations of the one job to reach a greater target market at a reduced rate.

Simply put, versioning printing is printing one catalogue, brochure or magazine with slight variations to the messaging while keeping the core collateral piece in play.

This quickly and easily reduces the cost of building unique pieces for every market.

For example, if you supply accommodation providers with magazines about where to go and what to do on the Gold Coast, versioning printing would allow for you to run different versions of the cover for different providers yet retain the internal content for each of the print runs. All of a sudden, printing unique pieces for several accommodation providers has become very cost-effective!

For those of you who produce wholesale catalogues, imagine if your distributors and retailers each received their personalised catalogues with their own individual covers and advertisements showcasing their unique businesses. What a great way for you to standout as a supplier!

Southport Printing Co. is a family owned business that prides ourselves on providing a high level of customer service to all our existing and new clients. The team has come together to offer over 500 combined years of trustworthy printing experience at our local based premium print shop in Southport, Queensland.

Southport Printing Co. is proud that most team members have been working for the company for in excess of 10 years. The sales team is made up of five proactive sales managers who are on the road daily meeting clients throughout South East Queensland.

Collectively our sales team has over 100 years’ experience in the printing industry.

The sales team is regularly seen out and about with clients in Ashmore, Molendinar, Surfers Paradise, Runaway Bay, Bundall and Robina.

If you can see an opportunity to standout with your clients, contact your Southport Printing Co. Sales Manager to discuss how versioning printing could work for your business.

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65 Johnston Street,
Southport QLD 4215

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